Happy Thanksgiving from Ukrainians in the Carolinas!

November 21, 2023
Today marks ten years since Ukrainians stood up to protect their rights and their liberty in what Ukrainians call the Revolution of Dignity! Ten years later, Ukraine is still fighting to protect its Western choices, liberate its war-stricken land, and defend freedom for Ukraine and for the rest of the world.
We call on you TODAY to contact your Senators and Representatives and urge them to continue supporting Ukraine, especially through the proposed $61.4 billion supplemental request to aid Ukraine’s territorial defense. This crucial assistance benefits Ukraine, the United States, and the entire free world!
Ninety years ago, when the soviet regime killed millions of Ukrainians in forced starvation, known as the Holodomor, the free world stood silent. Today, the free world is standing with Ukraine and supporting its people, and Ukraine is very grateful!
Thank you for advocating and assisting the people of Ukraine! Because of your generous support, over the last few months, our volunteer-run non-profit organization was able to source over one hundred SAM junctional tourniquets and Ready-Heat blankets to assist Ukrainian paramedics in saving lives. On Veterans Day, one of our wonderful anonymous supporters donated funds to assist an international unit of Ukrainian defenders, made up of many American veterans. We were able to honor their service to our country and now to Ukraine by supplying them with warm clothing, medical supplies, and other equipment. Every day, but especially this week as we approach Thanksgiving, we want you to know how grateful we are for your support which is a cornerstone of our Ukraine Relief efforts. As your incredible generosity blesses so many in Ukraine, may it multiply blessings in return in your lives!
Our wonderful local partners continue supporting our Ukrainian refugees. The Ridge Road Baptist Church of Raleigh has become home to our Ukrainian Cultural Center: Ukraine House Carolina, where we hold Ukrainian Saturday school, Ukrainian language classes, and Ukrainian dance, singing, embroidery, and other classes. Wake Forest Presbyterian Church has been sharing its Giving Garden with our Ukrainian community, where we planted and harvested borsch ingredients this year! Just like last year, our friends of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Cary will be hosting Ukrainian Christmas and networking gatherings. Our local businesses, government and community groups, refugee resettlement agencies, and U4U sponsors continue to support our Ukrainian refugees, and we are proud to partner with them in these efforts. Last weekend, our Ukrainians in the Carolinas delegation walked in the Raleigh Christmas Parade for the first time to represent the freedom and peace-loving people of Ukraine and thank North Carolinians for their support. Cheers and greetings from the spectators made us feel hopeful and renewed!

Today we are opening a new fundraising campaign to help build a sensory room within a secondary school in a small village in Western Ukraine that educates 80 children who fled the war zone.

This facility will serve as a place of psychological support and recovery for kids who have been displaced and traumatized by war. While all the construction work will be done by volunteers, we hope to supply construction materials, as well as basic sensory tools, equipment, and toys.
This Thanksgiving season, we thank you again and again for helping us support Ukraine! Happy Thanksgiving! God bless America! Слава Україні!
Gratefully, your Ukrainians in the Carolinas volunteers